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Create Jira issues for new Baresquare tickets

November 13, 2023
1 min read
Create Jira issues for new Baresquare tickets

Acting fast on data usually requires collaborating with other people.

But as an organization grows, different teams use different tools.

Today, we will explore how you can forward Baresquare tickets to Jira, the popular project management tool, using Zapier!

For more info about our Zapier integration, check our Automate actions using Zapier blog post.

Create a Zap

First, you need to create a Zap.

Don't know where to start? Don't worry we got you covered!

Just visit https://zapier.com/webintent/create-zap?template=931443. It will create a Zap based on a pre-built template!

'Create Jira issues for new Baresquare tickets' template
'Create Jira issues for new Baresquare tickets' template

Setup the trigger

The next step is to finish the trigger setup.

  1. Under Account, connect your Baresquare account.
    To make the connection, you will need a Baresquare API Token.
    Don't know how to get it? Check out our help article on How to set up a Zapier integration.
  2. Under Trigger, optionally select a ticket label as filter.
    Leave it empty if you wish to create Jira issues for all Baresquare tickets.
  3. Finally, test the trigger to confirm it's working.

Setup the action

Now it's time to finish the action step.

  1. Under Account, connect your Jira account.

  2. Under Action, pick under which project to create the ticket, as well as other details (issue type, summary, description, priority, etc.).

That's it! Now you will automatically forward Baresquare tickets to Jira!

Don't forget to check the rest of our Zapier templates to automate more tasks!

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