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Day in the Life of a Digital Analyst at Baresquare

February 21, 2023
4 min read
Day in the Life of a Digital Analyst at Baresquare

In any modern business, digital analytics plays a crucial role. Digital analysts provide insights by analyzing website traffic and user behavior, that inform business decisions and strategy and drive growth. But what does a day in the life of a digital analyst look like? 

In this blog post, we take a closer look at the daily routine of a digital analyst here at Baresquare, exploring the tasks and responsibilities involved, the tools and technologies used, and the skills required to be successful in this field.

Whether you're an aspiring digital analyst or simply curious about what this job entails and how it's practiced at Baresquare, keep reading to discover what it takes to succeed in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

We’re a team of multiple analyst personas

At Baresquare, we pride ourselves on having a diverse team that contains multiple analyst personas, from many different backgrounds, each with their own strengths and interests. 

Some members of our team are more technical and tool-oriented, delving deep into data analysis, using cutting-edge tools and technologies to extract insights, while others have stronger communication skills, working closely with clients to understand their needs and providing strategic recommendations. 

Additionally, we have team members who specialize in managing projects, ensuring that all tasks are completed on time and within budget, as well as those who support internal projects and processes.

We strive to create a work environment that allows each team member to thrive and contribute their unique expertise to the team’s success!

An analyst wears many hats

But most of us have the flexibility to do all of the above - and that’s the magic: The ability to switch between roles and responsibilities as needed!

An analyst wears many hats

It is such a fulfilling experience to see a project you’ve been working on from its inception to completion, finally become an integral part of your clients’ business, ultimately making a real impact on their success.

It all starts with Baresquare alerts

At Baresquare, we prioritize staying up-to-date with our customers’ website activities, including site traffic and engagement metrics. This information is critical to our customers’ reports and helps us monitor their website's performance and uncover new opportunities.

That’s usually a time-consuming process, considering the high volume and granularity of data in the Digital Analytics industry! With multiple reports and dashboards, filters and KPIs to sift through, spotting what’s important can be a serious challenge.

Luckily, we have Baresquare for this!

So first thing in the morning, along with a cup of coffee, we log on to Baresquare and see what happened to our customers’ websites while we were asleep!

By leveraging Baresquare’s real-time alerts, we can quickly identify trends and issues that require action from our customers, empowering them to stay on top with the insights they need to succeed.

Working together to deliver value for our customers

To ensure we stay on track, we start our day by planning our priorities for the day/week.

We then have stand-up meetings with our customers where we collaborate as an extended analytics team.

By building long-term partnerships with our customers, we gain a deep understanding of their needs and can provide tailored solutions to deliver real value and growth. 

Team spirit is our philosophy

With a focus on collaboration, we're able to make work fun and rewarding. We're always open to new ideas and challenges, and we never shy away from brainstorming sessions or thinking outside the box. 

When faced with obstacles, we work together to find workarounds and creative solutions. 

Ultimately, it's our “can do” attitude, dedication to teamwork and customer success that sets us apart and drives our continued growth.

Team spirit is our philosophy

Sharing is caring

Within our week, we hold regular team meetings where we not only share news about our projects, but most importantly take the opportunity to share our learnings and insights with one another. We believe in fostering a culture of sharing and collaboration, which helps us work more efficiently, solve problems more effectively, and continually improve the quality of our work (and make it more fun!) 

Whether it's a new cool tool, a small or bigger tip or trick, or a lesson learned from a project, we're always sharing our knowledge and helping our teammates grow. By creating a space where we can freely exchange ideas and knowledge, we can work together towards our common goal of providing value to our customers.

Always on the move

At Baresquare, we use a variety of tools and technologies to help us gather and analyze data such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, PowerBI and Google Sheets. For those who are more technically inclined we also use Python, SQL, Google Cloud Platform, and Big Query. 

But our work doesn't stop there. 

As digital analytics is an ever-evolving field, it is crucial for any analyst to stay on top of the latest trends and technologies. 

We hold a philosophy of continuous improvement and growth. What sets  Baresquare analysts apart is our eagerness to learn and our commitment to using state-of-the-art technology to provide the best insights and solutions to our clients.

After analyzing

At the end of the day, we may be digital analysts, but we're also people who know how to have a good time. So, after work, we can be spotted going out for a cup of coffee or drinks, a slice of pizza, and friendly competition in a ping pong marathon or Trivia Pursuit!

The role of a digital analyst is varied and challenging, requiring a combination of technical expertise, analytical skills, and communication abilities. 

But, with the proper tools in hand and thirst to keep learning, it’s almost certain that a digital analyst can deliver the right solutions and insights that drive business success!

We hope this blog post has provided a glimpse into the daily routine of a digital analyst at Baresquare and inspired you to learn more about this exciting and rewarding profession.

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