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AI Prompting: Hands-On Experimentation vs Structured Frameworks

June 21, 2024
6 min read
AI Prompting: Hands-On Experimentation vs Structured Frameworks

For many first-time users, the prospect of using AI for completing a task, such as creating a Product Requirements Document or a Marketing Strategy for a new product, can seem daunting. The good news? There’s no need for fear or hesitation. 

The best way to harness the advantages of tools like ChatGPT is to dive right in and start interacting.

The Illusion of Complexity

When encountering a new technology, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and reluctant due to lack of “how-to-use” knowledge. This is especially true with AI, where the underlying mechanics can appear complex and intimidating. 

Don’t make the mistake of feeling compelled to prepare extensively by reading books, completing advanced courses, or watching numerous YouTube tutorials. While these resources can be beneficial, they are by no means a prerequisite to using ChatGPT effectively.

The Key to Mastery: Hands-on Experimentation

The real secret to mastering AI prompting lies in direct interaction. Like learning a new language or musical instrument, the more you practice, the better you become. The conversational nature of ChatGPT makes this process straightforward and engaging. Here’s why diving right in is your best bet:

  • Familiarity Through Use: The more you use ChatGPT, the more familiar you become with how it responds. This familiarity breeds confidence, allowing you to craft prompts more effectively over time.
  • Real-time Feedback: ChatGPT provides instant responses, enabling you to learn and adjust your prompts on the fly. This dynamic feedback loop accelerates your learning curve.
  • Exploration of Possibilities: By engaging directly with the tool, you discover its capabilities and limitations firsthand. This exploration helps you understand what kinds of prompts yield the best results.

Frameworks for Prompting

While diving in headfirst is the most effective strategy, it can still be helpful to understand a couple of frameworks to guide your initial interactions with ChatGPT.

My personal favorite selection of guidelines.

  • Give a role to ChatGPT: For example, “You are a seasoned SEOspecialist”
  • Provide clear and detailed instructions: For example, “Create an SEO page title and meta description that refer to gamers who are enthusiastic about crystal clear screens, and low latency in sound and image.”
  • Provide detailed parameters: For example, “The page title should be less than 56 characters long and the meta description less than 156. In the page title, use the most important keywords at the beginning. The meta description should end with a strong action point.”

APE Framework (Action, Purpose, Expectation):

This framework helps ensure that prompts are clear and outcome-oriented. It is useful for setting precise expectations and goals for the AI’s response.

  • Action: Outline the specific task or activity that needs to be accomplished.
  • Purpose: Explain the objective or goal behind the task.
  • Expectation: Describe the desired result or outcome you hope to achieve.

Example APE prompt

“Create a product requirements document for a new software application. The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive guide for the development team. The document should include sections such as an overview, goals, features, user experience, and technical requirements.”

CARE Framework (Context, Action, Result, Example)

The CARE framework provides a structured approach that helps the AI understand the context and deliver more accurate and relevant responses. This is particularly effective for complex tasks that require detailed guidance.

  • Context: Establish the background or setting for the discussion.
  • Action: Specify the task or activity you want to be performed.
  • Result: Explain the outcome you are aiming for.
  • Example: Provide a concrete example to clarify your point.

Example CARE prompt

“In the context of launching a new product in a competitive market, develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. The strategy should cover sections such as an executive summary, target audience, unique selling proposition, marketing tactics, budget, key performance indicators (KPIs), and Return on Investment (ROI). For example, identify the target audience demographics and describe the unique selling proposition that differentiates the product from competitors.”

RISEN Framework (Role, Instructions, Steps, End Goal, Narrowing)

The RISEN framework is ideal for tasks that require a detailed breakdown and step-by-step execution. It ensures the AI follows a clear path to achieve the end goal, making it suitable for complex or multifaceted tasks like creating detailed content or conducting thorough analysis .

  • Role: Identify the role you want the AI to take on.
  • Instructions: Give detailed instructions for completing the task.
  • Steps: Break down the task into individual steps.
  • End Goal: State the desired outcome.
  • Narrowing: Focus on any constraints or specific aspects to be considered.

Example RISEN prompt

“You are a seasoned social media copywriter. Create a series of engaging social media posts for a new health and wellness app. The steps include:

  1. Write an introductory post announcing the app’s launch.
  2. Create a series of posts highlighting the app’s key features.
  3. Develop posts that include user testimonials and success stories.
  4. Craft promotional posts offering a limited-time discount.

The goal is to generate buzz and drive downloads for the new health and wellness app. Ensure the posts are tailored to platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and X, and adhere to a casual, engaging tone.”

Overcoming Initial Hesitations

First-time users often have concerns or fears about using AI tools like ChatGPT. These might include:

  • Fear of Complexity: AI may seem complex, but its usage can be very simple. Start with basic prompts and gradually explore more complex interactions.
  • Concern About Making Mistakes: There’s no right or wrong way to interact with ChatGPT. Mistakes are part of the learning process. Each interaction helps refine your understanding and skills.
  • Doubt About Effectiveness: AI tools are designed to assist and enhance your capabilities. Trust the process and give yourself time to see the benefits.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, there is no magic recipe for prompts. The journey of using tools like ChatGPT is about exploration and continuous learning. By engaging directly with such tools, you break down barriers of apprehension and unlock their potential.

So, don’t let the initial fear of the unknown hold you back. Start simple, be specific, and iterate. The more you familiarise with ChatGPT, the more adept you’ll become at leveraging its capabilities to meet your needs. 

Dive in, explore, and enjoy the process of discovering what these AI tools can do for you.

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